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Crossword Helper

Fetch words matching a pattern of letters and wildcard characters (using periods)

Authentication is required for this page (or via: Links >> Authenticate)

Word Pattern: can only be lowercase letters and periods (as wildcards) only - one for each letter in the matching word.
Result Limit: leave blank for no limit, otherwise specify between 1 and 100 results.
Hide Apostrophied Words: suppresses results with embedded apostrophes.

html file: /var/www.html/d_regexWords.html
js file1: /var/www.html/d_regexWords.js
js file2: /var/www.html/common.js
css file1: /var/www/html/d_regexWords.css
css file2: /var/www/html/common.css
cgi file: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/d_regexWords.cgi
corner image: /var/www/html/cornerImage.png
background image: /var/www/html/background.jpg
CGI source code: C