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An HTML snake game using the p5.js library

Authentication is required for this page (or via: Links >> Authenticate)

Use the arrow keys to start the yellow snake moving and change direction
Eat the food red to grow the snake
Don't let the snake eat itself or leave the board
The game will end if the snake eats itself or leaves the board
The frame rate can be made faster to 10 fps or slower to 2 fps


html file: /var/www.html/snake.html
css file: /var/www/html/css/snake.css
js file: /var/www/html/css/snake.js
js file: /var/www/html/css/common.js
cgi directory: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
corner image: /var/www/html/cornerImage.png
background image: /var/www/html/background.jpg
CGI source code: c
libraries: p5.js CDN